Booster doses can currently be obtained at Ascot Pharmacy (next door)
Speak with the pharmacist for further advice
Getting your booster dose remains the best way to prevent severe illness or hospitalisation, especially in people over 65 and those at higher risk of severe illness.
The new bivalent vaccines are preferred for booster doses.
Anyone displaying signs/symptoms of Covid19 is required to book a Telehealth appointment and not enter the clinic
Healthdirect Australia have included an online Covid19 symptom checker tool to include questions that can help determine your eligibility for antiviral treatment.
The Victorian Department of Health advises that Victorians who return a positive COVID-19 result and can’t get an appointment with their GP can access the Victorian Virtual Emergency Department (VVED). The VVED can assess patients, determine their eligibility for COVID-19 medications, and prescribe these medications.
Visit the Australian Government Dept of Health homepage at www.health.gov.au
Call the National Coronavirus Health Information line on 1800 020 080
Contact the state or terrritory public health agency - Victoria call 1300 651 160